college life just got  LOVELY

College life in itself is hectic, dramatic and a new beginning. How do you approach it? How do you own it? How do you survive it? Forget high school rules and restrictions. Once in college you are a free-spirit yet at the same time, you are bound by all the responsibilities, financial burden and tests. So, how do you do it? The tips we are sharing here may sound simple and logical but can be easily underestimated and failure will follow.

Tip #1 - Attend class

Nobody is forcing you to go and there is no one really supervising that you do attend. The only person who will really know is you. Don't lie to yourself. No one can really take notes and repeat exactly word for word hat was said in class. Respect your self and make the effort to not skip class.

Tip #2- Get in a study group

It may be that you are smart and can really go solo when it comes to reading and studying certain subjects. Still, make the time to get to know your classmates and consider studying with those who show real interest in learning the material. Sharing ideas and knowledge is key to success and teamwork is a skill you will need in your life as a professional. 

Tips#3- Eat proper meals

You will see that college life is fast and sometimes you are running from class to class. Make sure that you make time to eat a proper meal not just junk food and energy foods and drinks. You need real energy that will not drain after a sudden rush of power boost after an energy drink.

Tip #4 -  Beware of the easy credit cards

Having your first credit card can be quite an accomplishment but do learn to control your expenses. College students are always in need of extra money to cover basic needs. Do not depend on the card entirely. Do manage to pay it on time and make sure you do not reach your limit. It will become a headache that will follow you for a long time.